The Coming Age of Aquarius

Talk lately about the coming paradigm shift – the precession from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius, which is expected to happen between 2020 and 2025 – has piqued my interest in astrology, a subject I never took too seriously.

With that, I’ve been reading the books and listening to the podcasts of respected British astrologer Barbara Goldsmith. Her teachings on the New Age and what it means for the global community are inspiring.

Aquarius and the Aquarian influence is all about the new. Aquarius is an air sign and represents movement and communication. Communication – new media, mass communication, digital communication, mental connections – are, for better or worse, what life is now all about.

The zodiac transition is expected to happen when the vernal equinox point (in the month of March) moves out of Pisces and into Aquarius. The sun’s position will move in front of the next zodiac constellation – Aquarius.

With all this Aquarian energy coming in, changes are predicted. Next year, the U.S. votes in the presidential election. Many of us hope that malignant structures will fall to make way for a new wave. Patterns will be interrupted. Boundaries and borders will expand rather than tighten.

I solemnly believe that this change in the sun’s position is going to bring new connections for all of us. I see a world of interbeing coming – humans connecting with the rhythms of animals, waking up from drugs and programming, and taking our own power.

Right now, we’re all getting shaken up from the outside – fears of terrorism and tyrannical political leaders, genetic technologies, concerns of privacy and autonomy, dangerous and scary climate shifts. It feels like the weight of the New Age and the outcomes of the Industrial Age are bearing down on everything that lives, including Mama Earth.

The Aquarian age – the air element – is poised to shake us up on the inside. We’ll be doing deep mind work and connecting intimately. We’ll feel free to embrace Mother Nature and let her soothe us. Sameness will displace differences.

Studies being done with Millennials and Gen Z show that they are far more interested in community, giving, volunteering, living simply, and connecting than my grasping generation ever was. I admire the millennial generation. I love that they’re rejecting consumerism and competition. I understand their anger and frustration with the world that’s been handed to them. I see them as the first generation in a while to really wake up.

The shift of the vernal equinox point sometime within the next few years is the zodiac start of the new age, but the changes themselves will only be propelled by us and the work we do. That applies to my generation and those older than us – we don’t get a free ride on the backs of younger people who were handed a world full of worry. We have to change and adapt and contribute, take less, and give more. I’ve been looking to the heavens lately, anticipating the coming of a new age, an Aquarian energy that is going to support a whole new way of being. These are exciting times.

Barbie xo

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