Back to square one

OK - the side vegetable garden has been removed (everything was pretty much spent,) the ground was tilled and fortified with fish emulsion, mulch removed, cold frame put in place. I checked the temp inside the CF this afternoon and it was a cool 60 degrees (autumn just leaped on the scene this year). So I've decided to start the winter greens bed indoors, under the grow lights, until I have young plants about 1-2 inches tall, which I'll transplant under the CF in October. Even though a handful of parsley seeds I threw near the wood line last week (thinking they were more than 5 years old and were just garbage,) have germinated! There's a big patch of parsley coming up there! Still, I don't want to take such chances with our only winter greens bed, so I'm acting like it's spring and starting the garden indoors all over again. This time, though, instead of tomatoes, cukes and peppers, I planted up flat leaf Italian parsley, "cut and come again" green leaf lettuce, and a special, cold-weather variety called "lamb's lettuce," that reportedly grows throughout winter in a CF or greenhouse. Anyway, cross your fingers. I MUST have fresh greens this winter! Here's pics of the seed starting trays in the bathtub (my makeshift potting bench for now,) and under the lights for their first night in house.

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