Hummus Love and Baba Ghannuj
Fresh chick peas
loves hummus, and better yet, fresh, homemade hummus. I won’t eat that prepared
stuff. It’s pasty and nasty, and it’s so insanely easy to make it yourself
Take a large can of organic chick peas, put in the blender, add lemon
juice, olive oil, fresh parsley, and salt and pepper to taste, give it a whir, scoop
up and eat with crackers, pita (my favorite), or crudités.
chick peas will grow quickly. Like any other pea plant, the pods will develop
as the plants mature. Your fresh chick peas will be bright green. Gather them
up, let them dry, and store them in jars.
another note, we have several Black Bell eggplants growing in our summer
garden. I discovered baba ghannuj several years ago at a friend’s party; have
loved it ever since. This will be the first summer, Goddess willing, that I
make my own from our home grown eggplants.
my current favorite recipe for baba ghannuj. I DO add the cumin, which I love.