Rice Diet, Garden Harvest, Summer Bouquets, Homemade Pad Thai, Doctors Are Not Your Friends, and Dreaming of Moscow

A little photo collage for you today, and it’s (almost) all about food. The garden food has been rolling in (except for tomatoes), and we’re living large. We gathered a bowl full of big, spicy Alma peppers, baskets of cucumbers, green peppers, summer squash, and green beans. We harvested the first of our Thai basil for an awesome mango and cashew curry with rice noodles we had last night (and for lunch again today). I made kale chips with the superabundance of kale we’re dealing with.

I met with my bestie Sunny on Saturday morning and brought her a bouquet of our garden flowers. Aren’t they gorg? There’s nothing better than a jar full of fresh garden blooms. It’s the epitome of summer. We walked through Glastonbury, one of our favorite towns in the state, hit Whole Foods for sesame noodles, and Panera for coffee. We talked about going to Moscow again. It’s been four years since she’s been, and she’s getting grumpy about that.

I’ve been reading about Dr. McDougall’s rice diet and decided to start incorporating it into my own vegan diet. McDougall’s plan is not geared toward weight loss, but instead toward vitality, comfort, and health, and a life that does not include a calendar littered with doctor’s appointments.

Unless I have a broken bone, am in cardiac arrest, or am bleeding from my eyeballs, I’ve no use for doctors. They’re great for the full-on emergency, but that’s it. And doctors have no use for people like me: we’re not where the money is at.

Saturday’s dinner was a big bowl of organic white rice sprinkled with coconut palm sugar. Completely filling and satisfying, and totally rocked my sweet tooth. I slept deeply that night and woke up Sunday ready for the Buddhist retreat full of energy and clarity. The retreat was wonderful.

Finally, tamarind paste. Amazon delivers on weekends, and I love it for that. We had some tamarind paste delivered over the weekend and tonight’s dinner will be a homemade pad Thai starring the essential tamarind paste.

Rain is coming down hard, and I’m listening to Cake, a grunge band from the 90s that I loved then and love now. Long live grunge! Munching on a raw green garden pepper that tastes like heaven. All is well.

Much love,
Barbie xo

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