Peace Food
husband rolls his eyes and calls me a hippie. In this regard, we couldn’t be
any different. He’s a meat and potatoes guy. I’m a tofu ball in coconut sauce and
brown rice girl. I'm working on him.
Buddhists in Tibet eat meat, as the climate and available resources there lend
to little else. But all Buddhists are urged strongly to be meat free.
Holiness The Dalai Lama – the great treasure of infinite compassion embracing
all sentient beings, praise and glorify him – once caught his breath at the
sight of a plateful of shrimp. He reasoned that the slaughter of an animal is
wrong, but taking one animal’s life to feed many is better than the killing of
so many tiny shrimp to feed just one person.
big reason why this garden grows each summer is peace and kindness. Kindness to
the planet, kindness to people, kindness to animals. By cultivating our own vegetables,
beans, potatoes, and fruit, we are not participating in the ravaging of the
planet that wide-scale, pesticide-ridden, mean to animals and insects,
commercial food growing that goes on.
to people is a natural out shoot of that. What’s kind to the planet is kind to
us. We are this planet; this planet is us.
also share our summer food with neighbors and colleagues, and even dogs, including
our own, as well as our hamster, Wheat Germ.
avoiding meat, kindness to animals is cultivated. When you finally come to
realize that animals suffer just like we do, they feel terror and dread and
pain and hopelessness, and they shrink from death in horror, your brain just
detonates at the thought of participating in the impossibly cruel, treacherous,
deceitful meat production industry. You stop giving them your money. Your mind
grows supple. Your body thanks you.
husband and I are talking about expanding the square footage of our food garden
this summer, and adding apple trees to our small peach orchard.
The more food
we grow, the better we become, the better we serve this planet.