1,000 Pounds of Cow Poop
added a half-ton of cow manure to the vegetable bed yesterday. This is no
pleasant job! But cow manure is an organic and very effective fertilizer for
hungry vegetable plants.
All the seedlings are outdoors now. The Franchi yellow
zucchini seedlings are growing like crazy and so fat. I have a feeling we’re
going to get beautiful food from them.
suddenly become very warm (close to 80 degrees today!) and the forecast is
showing evenings in the 50s, so I think everything is going to go into the
ground in a week. Which would be amazing, because we would have an
earlier-than-usual food crop this year. I can totally get behind that.
cheated, and when we were out yesterday, bought a cherry tomato plant and
potted it. Standing near the kitchen door, I’ll be able to nibble cherry
tomatoes all summer without having to traipse to the garden for a quick snack.
systems are a go. This is the absolute second best time of the year. The best
time, you know, is when the veggie garden is bursting with fresh food.
we’re on our way.
you, Mother Earth!