Cooking with a Kahari, and a Great Indian Author
been keeping my eyes open for a traditional Indian kahari, a piece of cookware
that you’ll find in most Indian kitchens. There are a few online resources, but
finding a large, great quality, cast iron kahari is turning out to be tricky.
There are a couple of sources out of New Zealand, India, and Australia, but
they are shipping within their countries only.
I cook
Indian food a lot. I never get tired of it. One of my favorite breakfasts is
masala dasa, a rice, black bean, potato, onion, and spiced crepe-type affair.
Sometimes I’ll add tomato. And daal is the best cold-weather meal in the
world. The spices of Indian cooking are
the best – cumin seed, coriander seed, turmeric, fennel, chili, mango powder,
ginger, and lots more. Adding yogurt to a masala makes it creamy and tangy, and
since I make our own yogurt, there’s usually a fresh supply of yogurt on hand.
I love how Indian food mixes spicy hot with cool and refreshing – a spicy daal
served with a dollop of cold yogurt, for example. Or a paneer masala served with
a cold, crisp cucumber salad or a sweet Indian fruit salad.
I used
our last garden Japanese eggplant last night. Boo. But I made a yummy rigatoni
with eggplant, tahini, garlic, and yogurt dish that was great. So even though
summer is all over, it’s all good.
of great things from India, I’ll be stopping by the Granby library later to
pick up my newest read – Family Matters, a novel by my current favorite author,
Rohinton Mistry. I read his A Finer Balance earlier this year (a friend’s
recommendation) and was completely drawn in to the story. Looking forward to
another journey to contemporary India with Mistry.
good. All love.