Sweet Little Nugget
Just want to share this photo of a beautiful little spring
peeper (pseudacris crucifer) was came across while picking our garden
raspberries the other day. My husband spotted him, and knew I would be
interested in taking a look.
We brought in a big bowlful of fresh raspberries, but not
before I took some photos. I’m always in awe of the abundance of life that
crowds its way into gardens. Gardens offer shelter, food, breeding space, and
water for these little miracles. This particular peeper was changing colors
even as I was photographing him.
I love the spring peeper chorus on summer nights. When I
lived near the ocean, the peepers would come out by the thousands in early
summer, covering the house and the street nearby. Lots of peepers were run over
by cars at that time of year.
Every night, I went out with a broom and carefully coaxed
as many peepers as possible into the tall grass and the nearby pond. A friend
visited one night and said he was horrified by the living wallpaper of peepers
on my pondside house. But I loved it. A house covered in these pretty jewels,
all singing their love song? I’ll take that every day of the week.
This is another blessing that gardens offer. As we humans
level natural habitat to co-opt more and more room for our selfish selves and
our silly expressions of materialism, gardens provide hallowed space for some
of the wildlife we’ve so ruthlessly displaced. Every spring and summer, our
gardens are safe territory for an amazing diversity of beautiful animals and
insects. I just love that.
Today is September 27. It’s 90 degrees outside, and sunny.
If this keeps up, we may never even notice winter when it arrives, which would
be totally fine with me.
Much love,
Barbie xo