Basil, dill, chives
Anyway, I cleared and disinfected a rack on the growlights (photo 1), then organized seeds, soil starter, sterile starting pots, scissors (photo 2), and my poor bathtub (too much gardening happens in there).
Everything was planted up in 20 minutes and went under the lights (photo 3), boosted with a little 6-12-6 biofertilizer, and then the lights were dropped down within about 1 inch of the soil surface (photo 4).
A prayer of supplication to the Green Man, and we're off! Anyone interested in a pot of basil, dill or Italian chives (all imported Franchi seeds, the best of the best!) let me know, and I'll put your name on a pot!
Welcome, spring - and thank you, thank you, Mother E.!