Honey, I shrunk the plants
It's a barbaric ritual, but a necessary one. Geraniums that have survived winter nicely in a sunny window have grown very leggy and must be pruned back hard in order to ready them for summer. Bad news: It takes a pretty and full, albiet insanely lopsided plant, and turns it into a bit of an emasculated thing. But the effect is only temporary. Logic is that by pruning, you not only slowly correct the asymmetrical shape, but also open up some space for light and air to get in. Follow up with a DEEP watering/feeding with a 6-12-6 biofertilizer and a dose of vitamin feed. Back in the sunny window for a month or so to recover, and then they go outside to begin summer! I'll also re-pot these in some iron hangers. Hate plastic :( Another plus: lots of great, healthy cuttings to start NEW geranium plants! And so here we go...