Copper Vessel Water and the Oligodynamic Effect
is my new tamba, a copper vessel for storing drinking water. You generally
store your water in this for 16 hours before drinking at room temperature
I received a couple of questions about copper vessel water, particularly the tambas that I
mentioned in my last post.
nothing revolutionary about the ayurvedic approach to copper water. Copper is
an essential micronutrient that we all need to live. By incorporating copper
water in our diets, we can reap some real health benefits including anemia
relief, soothing of the digestion, regulation of the thyroid (particularly
useful for women), stimulation of the brain, and improvement of fertility.
Copper kills many water microorganisms that include virus and bacteria.
called the oligodynamic effect - the science of storing drinking water in
copper vessels and the resultant purified, amplified water. Don’t worry about
getting too much copper: you would have to drink more than four liters of copper
vessel water a day to just begin to exceed your daily requirement for copper.
Most dietary copper comes from fresh, whole foods like leafy greens, but as you
can guess, most of us don’t get enough copper in our daily diets. Copper water
is a great supplement.
Back to
the garden: I’m thinking of asking for a wall-attached garden water fountain
for my birthday. This is a big dollar item, but it would not just be an object
of beauty and serenity in our garden space. Birds would drink and bathe at the
fountain during the hot, dry summer days. I really like that.