Patchouli Plants, and Garden Spurts
food gardens are taking off the way they do in late June. There’s visible
growth each day. It’s thrilling. Now is the time to give everything a good
feeding of pure nitrogen. In July, we’ll have - at the very least - summer
squash, peaches, young tomatoes, and lots of greens for eating. A few weeks
after that, we’ll be harvesting Asian long beans, green beans, scarlet runner
beans, hyacinth beans, cucumbers, mature tomatoes, sweet peppers, Thai hot
peppers, jalapeno peppers, and Asian melons.
We had
to tie up peach tree branches with garden twine last night. The abundance of
fruit on the branches is weighing them down to the point that they will start
snapping. I took one for the team, and pruned off some extremely heavy lower
branches. That’s a loss of many peaches, but if we get just half of the peaches
that are on the trees now, we’ll be completely inundated with peaches. This is
a problem I love to have.
papaya trees that were not doing well in full sun are doing better in partial
shade. They have new leaf growth. The turmeric is coming along slowly. The
potted bananas are springing up. The basjoo bananas at the front of the house
are steadily growing. The pandan is doing great in full sun.
weekend, a gardening friend is heading to Massachusetts to pick up some
patchouli plants from one of the rare nurseries that sells them. Of course, I
just rained cash down on her head and begged her to get me a few.
tried growing patchouli years ago with no luck. I’m not sure what went wrong,
other than the fact that this plant, which is a member of the mint family, is a
native of South India and not Connecticut. We gardeners, in our enthusiasm,
sometimes forget that it’s often just a case of a plant doesn’t belong here and
won’t thrive no matter how carefully we tend it. But I’m ready to give this
another try.
fragrant leaves of patchouli are intoxicating. The plant is lovely with its
glossy, dark green foliage and spikes of purple flowers. I love
patchouli, but my husband hates it, so outside of Kiss My Face patchouli oil
shower gel, which I buy from Foodworks and sneak into the house, I don’t indulge
my love for this herb around our home or on my body.
I’m so
psyched about the patchouli plants, but I’m prepared for bad news: they may
very well be sold out by this weekend. Gardeners go wild for these rarities.
There are few better things in life than pots of patchouli unfurling in the
sun. I may have to put my adorable husband up in a hotel for summer.
in peace.