Charged Water and Garden Greens

Just a quick garden report: it was a gorgeous weekend, and yesterday – Earth Day - my husband and I planted the seeds for this year’s greens garden! We planted seeds of arugula, Italian parsley, kale, Chinese kale, spinach, Romaine lettuce, dill, endive, and bok choy.

This is the start of it all: the season is underway, alleluia! We watered deeply and covered it all with poly tunnels (there will be a few more nights in the 30s). The sun was shining all day, and it quickly got hot under those tunnels. It won’t be long before the first sprouts appear.
We also planted some flower bulbs around the grounds: bleeding heat, purple lily, and freesia – all bulbs my flower-loving husband recently brought home.

Walking the grounds, we found flower buds on the lilacs, leaf buds on the peach trees, young leaves on the raspberry bushes, a cluster of chives already big enough to eat, and lots of perennial flower bulbs peeking through the soil.

And the really beautiful news – we have tenants in the new birdhouse we hung just two weeks ago. I love it when this happens. May they be happy and safe in their new home.

Finally, I charged some raw amethyst and emerald crystals by placing them in a large jar of distilled water and putting it in the sun. The first drink of this magically charged water goes to plants.

I walked the gardens and grounds barefoot yesterday. My shoulders got a little sunburn, and my nose is pink. The garden is alive again. Winter is over. 

Barbie xo

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