Countdown to Sun-Brewed Hibiscus Tea

Yesterday, our big bag of dried, organic hibiscus flowers arrived from Frontier Co-op, one of my favorite online herb and tea suppliers. It looks like next week the sun will come out for a day or two and the temperatures as of now are predicted to be in the 60s. If we actually get some sun and warmer temps next week, I’m going to make our first sun tea of the season.

Pure, organic hibiscus flowers make a tart delicious, vitamin-C- and mineral-rich sun tea with a beautiful, clear cherry hue. There are multiple, well-documented studies that have proven its benefits for health: hibiscus tea is high in organic acids (malic, tartaric, and citric) that are great for the skin (these same acids boost immunity, lower cholesterol and blood pressure, and decrease inflammation); it soothes digestion; lowers our ability to absorb starches and cholesterol; and it flushes excess fluids from the body.

I love it because it tastes and looks like summer. Last summer, I’d take a thermos of hibiscus tea along when my husband and I went out on the boat for the day. It’s an excellent hydrating tea and its high mineral content help restore my energy after hours in the hot sun. Often, I’ll splash a little on my face and shoulders. It treats my skin kindly. I also sometimes use it as the liquid in morning smoothies instead of the usual coconut water or distilled water.

It’s looking like this Monday is going to be a good one – in the 60s and sunny. Let’s hope that the weather prediction holds. If so, there will be a big glass bottle of distilled water with a handful of loose hibiscus tea in the sun on our deck. A delicious, healthy, beautiful, and sustainable drink with which to welcome back the sun. 

Barbie xo

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